International Youth Organisation
Perehodivska str.6, village Gorishna Vignanka
Integrativa Pieeja
LV 74 UNLA 0055 0009 6362 6
In Chortkiv, Ukraine, the Therapy Home is being reconstructed to serve as an experimental laboratory for testing an innovative approach to education that is ecological and aligned with children's nature, aimed at developing children's spiritual intelligence and exploring growth opportunities in an international context.
Currently, initiatives are underway in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia
As part of the Daugavpils University (Latvia) psychopedagogical intervention program for developing children's Spiritual Intelligence has been developed and its effectiveness has been scientifically studied. The program is being implemented in schools in both Latvia and Ukraine.
Scientifically approved program for the development of children's Spiritual Intelligence in Latvia.
A program for the development of children's Spiritual Intelligence, licensed by the Ministry of Education and implemented in Ukraine.